The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has agreed to conduct a re-evaluation of enterprises, institutions, and organizations regarding their compliance with the criteria for reserving employees from mobilization. This is stated in Resolution No. 1204 dated October 22, 2024.
The document introduces amendments to the Criteria and procedures for determining enterprises, institutions, and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the vital activities of the population during a special period, as well as those that are crucial for meeting the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
It has been established that the authority that made the decision to recognize an enterprise, institution, or organization as critically important will conduct a compliance check against the criteria if necessary.
Based on the results of the conducted check, the authority will either declare the enterprise, institution, or organization non-compliant with the criteria and revoke their status, or confirm their compliance with the criteria.
Previously, we reported that enterprises would be re-evaluated for their critical importance for reserving from mobilization.