
Melania Trump: Genetics or Surgery? A plastic surgeon examines the appearance of the First Lady of the United States.

Melania Trump has consistently captivated attention with her refined appearance, which has sparked discussions about potential cosmetic procedures. Rumors about her plastic surgeries have persisted for years, though experts often disagree on the matter. Renowned plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser has analyzed her looks and shared his insights.
Melania Trump: Genetics or Surgery? A plastic surgeon examines the appearance of the First Lady of the United States.

The expert notes that Melania's appearance is largely determined by her genetics. High cheekbones, broad jaw angles, and harmonious facial features help her maintain a youthful look even without significant interventions.

"She is a Slovenian top model who has always looked fantastic. She has luxurious genetics by nature — high cheekbones and wide jaw angles. People with such genetics retain their appearance for a long time without significant changes," emphasized Dmitry Slosser.

Мелания Трамп, пластическая хирургия, ботокс, подтяжка лица, Дмитрий Слоссер, косметология, ринопластика, красота знаменитостей, изменения внешности, первая леди США

The doctor also points out the use of cosmetic procedures, which have now become standard for public figures. In his opinion, Melania likely resorted to Botox injections.

"She definitely did something cosmetic — I have no doubts about that. She probably had Botox in her forehead. This is evidenced by her eyebrows, which have somewhat drooped. This happens when the muscles relax due to prolonged Botox use," the doctor explained.

Some plastic surgeons suggest that Melania may have undergone a facelift and neck lift. This was also confirmed by Dr. Slosser.

"There are surgeons who perform such operations without visible scars, but Mrs. Melania gives away her earlobe. You can see that it is somewhat pulled towards the neck," noted the surgeon while analyzing photos of Melania.

Мелания Трамп, пластическая хирургия, ботокс, подтяжка лица, Дмитрий Слоссер, косметология, ринопластика, красота знаменитостей, изменения внешности, первая леди США

Despite these assumptions, her facial features remain largely unchanged, and any modifications can be attributed to natural aging processes. According to Dmitry Slosser, her lips and nose have not significantly altered.

"I've heard opinions about rhinoplasty, but I disagree with that. In her youth, Mrs. Melania had a slightly fuller face, and with age, due to natural fat tissue reduction, her nose may look different. And that's perfectly normal," emphasized the surgeon.

Thus, Melania Trump's appearance is indeed a combination of genetics, age-related changes, and cosmetic usage. Her elegant image remains a standard of style, and any discussions only add to her popularity.

As a reminder, we previously wrote about what is wrong with Melania Trump's image during the inauguration of the U.S. president.