
On conflicts, family matters, and a second chance at Eurovision: Ziferblat shares insights in an interview with Focus.

The Ziferblat group is a tale of music, brotherhood, and experimentation. The musicians may have different temperaments, but together they create a unique sound. This year, they have reached the finals of the National Selection for Eurovision for the second time and are ready to amaze the audience. Discover how they allocate roles within the group, how they handle conflicts, and their vision for their music in this interview with Focus.
On conflicts, family matters, and a second chance at Eurovision: Ziferblat shares insights in an interview with Focus.

The founders of the group are brothers, and while you are united by a common cause, you are also very different. How do you divide roles within the team? Do you have specific mechanisms for making important decisions?

Fyodor: Each of us does what we do best. We have different temperaments and interests, which allows us to complement each other effectively. This symbiosis has made us a great team.

Daniil: There isn’t a strict mechanism; I would describe it as a natural force. Our roles within the group are constantly changing.

How do you manage to overcome potential conflicts within the group?

Fyodor: Sometimes we argue, usually while writing music. However, we always make an effort to understand each other because we are united by an important cause that drives our work.

Daniil: I won’t deny that we can argue. But when you think about the fact that in 30 years, these arguments will be meaningless and only love will endure through time, you calm down and seek a compromise.

Valentin: Conflicts are an essential part of the creative process when more than one person is involved in creation. Good ideas often emerge from them. It can be mentally challenging, but sometimes it’s worth it.

Ziferblat Евровидение 2025, Ziferblat Нацотбор 2025, Ziferblat интервью, группа Ziferblat, Нацотбор Евровидение Украина

What is the main idea behind your creativity? How do you want people to perceive the songs of the Ziferblat group?

Fyodor: For me, the key is to express myself from different angles, to be myself, and to go beyond conventional standards. Experimenting and always finding a balance is crucial. Since childhood, I have loved the melodic aspect of songs the most, which remains the focus of our creativity. The packaging may vary depending on our experiences and preferences.

Daniil: For me, music is a journey through life. Songs should be more than just a chart position; they should tell a story, be a real event. In my opinion, that is the main idea of our songs.

Valentin: It may sound cliché, but we simply strive to create what we personally enjoy. It just so happens that this resonates with other people, which is wonderful.

How has your music evolved from the beginning of your career to the present day? What main stages of creative development would you highlight?

Daniil: It has evolved in line with our growth and professional development. I believe my brother and I experienced late maturation, so some stages took longer than expected. (Smiles.) I would currently identify the following three stages: teenage rock and roll; a misguided turn during university studies; personal maturity after the age of 23.

Valentin: I don’t think there was ever a “misguided turn.” Everything unfolded as it should. Without those experiences, we wouldn’t be where we are now. They taught us a lot. We didn’t have a mentor or a leader beside us. We did it all ourselves. Therefore, in my opinion, the mistakes we made were natural.

Ziferblat Евровидение 2025, Ziferblat Нацотбор 2025, Ziferblat интервью, группа Ziferblat, Нацотбор Евровидение Украина

In 2025, you will participate in the National Selection for Eurovision, marking your second attempt. How did you find out you made it to the shortlist? What were your initial emotions?

Fyodor: This time, we prepared more diligently. We recorded three songs and struggled until the last minute to decide which one to submit. Making it to the finals for the second time was very gratifying, and it inspired us. However, this time we are more determined.

Valentin: Actually, it’s practically our third attempt. Previously, we stopped at the “longlist” stage. Nevertheless, being in the finals for the second time is a great honor. But we work hard for this; it doesn’t just happen. It requires tremendous effort.

What key lessons did you learn from last year's participation in the National Selection, and what would you advise your past selves?

Fyodor: I would advise myself to value and respect everyone involved in the preparation for the competition. I now understand how hard the work is and the level of responsibility it entails.

Daniil: The first and last lesson is to focus solely on ourselves and not to waste energy on trivial matters.

How did the idea for the Eurovision song, which took almost six months to create, come about? Since it wasn't the only composition you considered for the competition, what criteria did you use to choose your personal favorite?

Fyodor: The main criteria for the song were to add more spontaneity and emotion. This time, the composition turned out to be more complex, but at the same time, it’s more interesting.

Daniil: We had three candidate songs. In my opinion, each of them could represent us well in the competition. But we chose the one that resonated most with each of us at the moment of decision.

Valentin: It just happened that we selected a song that I authored this time. Perhaps that played a role, as at the time of our decision, we were firmly convinced that we needed something entirely different, something that the audience and the jury of the National Selection had not yet seen.

Ziferblat Евровидение 2025, Ziferblat Нацотбор 2025, Ziferblat интервью, группа Ziferblat, Нацотбор Евровидение Украина

Do you have any favorites among the participants of the National Selection 2025? How do you assess the competition?

Daniil: Yes, but this year I am well aware of how challenging it is for each participant to prepare for the selection stage. Therefore, out of respect for everyone’s hard work, I won’t answer that question.

Valentin: Some things I like more than others. But let the audience choose their favorite without hints on February 8.

How are you preparing for your performance in the National Selection and the possibility of representing Ukraine at Eurovision?

Fyodor: Let’s keep it as a surprise. We want to maintain intrigue and invite everyone to watch our performance on February 8, number 9!

Daniil: The main preparation focuses on vocals. I am concerned about singing and the details of the backing vocals. Our performance is already the result of the hard work of many talented people, and for now, I’d like to keep that under wraps.

Once, on the show "X-Factor," Igor Kondratyuk referred to your music as "whatever." Were you offended by that? What would you say to him today?

Daniil: No, I wasn’t offended. On the contrary, I enjoy Igor’s ability to play the "bad guy." The show is all about theatrics. We don’t despise an actor who brilliantly portrays an antagonist in a series or film.

Valentin: It’s actually quite cool that, among a certain audience, that phrase has become a "meme."

Last year, you almost went to Eurovision 2024. Are you afraid that it might not work out again? Will there be a third attempt then?

Fyodor: I hope that this time everything will go well for us. Of course, we are anxious, but that doesn’t stop us.

Daniil: Yes, we are nervous, but we are confidently moving forward. Right now, our focus is solely on winning this selection.

What will you do first thing in the morning on February 9?

Fyodor: I will get a good night's sleep and then enjoy a hearty breakfast. I love my routine.

Daniil: I completely agree with Fyodor! I’ll probably also dive into some advanced English. After all, who knows, maybe number 9 will be lucky this year? (Laughs.)