Forecasters have made a weather forecast for January 5.
According to information from the "Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center", the cold spell in the country will continue on this day.
No precipitation is expected across Ukraine. Only in the south, some light rain may occur; however, icy conditions should be anticipated on the roads, especially in other regions.
The wind will be coming from the west and southwest, blowing at speeds of 5-10 m/s. At night, temperatures will range from -2 to -8°C, while during the day, they will fluctuate from -3°C to +4°C.
In the Carpathians, it is also expected to be dry on January 5, although the frosts will be more pronounced: at night and during the day, temperatures will range from -6 to -13°C.
Regarding the forecast for Epiphany, meteorologist Natalia Ptuha has stated that moderate frosts are expected in the coming days, but they will not be too severe or long-lasting. Given the global climate changes and the transition of the WTO to the new Julian calendar, the traditional "Epiphany frosts" may not occur.
Additionally, Politeka wrote that Ukraine has experienced a cold snap, and although severe frosts are not currently observed, the temperature has significantly dropped compared to previous days.
What kind of weather to expect in the near future and whether the warming will return was discussed by Natalia Ptuha, a representative of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, during a telethon.