
Russia has deployed a Caliber missile carrier in the Black Sea: what could be the potential missile strike?

On the morning of January 24, Russian military forces deployed a warship armed with cruise missiles, known as "Kalibr," into the Black Sea for duty. The vessel is capable of launching up to four targets simultaneously towards Ukraine.
Russia has deployed a Caliber missile carrier in the Black Sea: what could be the potential missile strike?

Росія вивела у Чорне море носій "Калібрів": який можливий залп ракет

On the morning of January 24, Russian military forces deployed a warship equipped with cruise missiles "Kalibr" into the Black Sea. The vessel can simultaneously launch up to four targets towards Ukraine.

This information was reported on the Telegram channel of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In total, two military ships have been sent into the Black Sea. One of them is capable of transporting and launching "Kalibr" cruise missiles. The maximum simultaneous strike capacity is 4 missiles.

At the same time, there are currently no enemy ships present in the Sea of Azov.

Six enemy ships have been deployed to the Mediterranean Sea, two of which are carriers of "Kalibr" missiles. The total strike capacity is up to 22 missiles.

The military also reported that over the past day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the following vessels passed through the Kerch Strait:

  • to the Black Sea — 3 ships, of which 1 continued towards the Bosporus Strait;
  • to the Sea of Azov — 3 ships, of which 2 were moving from the Bosporus Strait.