
Russia has deployed a carrier of "Kalibr" missiles in the Black Sea: what potential strike could it unleash?

In the morning of January 11, military forces detected an enemy ship in the Black Sea. After weeks of absence, Russia has once again deployed a vessel armed with "Kalibr" missiles.
Russia has deployed a carrier of "Kalibr" missiles in the Black Sea: what potential strike could it unleash?

Росія вивела в Чорне море носій "Калібрів": який можливий залп

On the morning of January 11, military forces detected an enemy ship in the Black Sea. After weeks of absence, Russia has once again deployed a vessel armed with "Kalibr" missiles.

This information comes from the report of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As of 06:00, there is one Russian ship in the Black Sea capable of launching up to 4 cruise missiles of the "Kalibr" type.

Simultaneously, there are no enemy vessels in the Sea of Azov. However, as many as 7 ships are recorded in the Mediterranean Sea, two of which are missile carriers with a total strike capability of up to 22 missiles.

The Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also reported that within the last day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the following vessels passed through the Kerch Strait:

  • to the Black Sea — 4 ships, none of which continued towards the Bosporus Strait;
  • to the Sea of Azov — 2 ships that were coming from the Bosporus Strait.

"The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) by disabling automatic identification systems," the statement reads.