The People's Republic of China is attempting to infiltrate various spheres of European life, particularly the economy and politics, in order to diminish American influence on the continent.

This is reported by former Pentagon analyst Ruben Johnson for the military-analytical publication "1945." He notes that one of China's primary tools is the "three warfares strategy," as described by James Fanell, an expert from the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. This strategy comprises three interconnected methods of hybrid aggression, including information warfare, psychological operations, and legal warfare. The aim of this strategy is to "win without fighting," or, in the event of actual conflict, to achieve a decisive victory.

Си Цзымпинь, Китай

Fanell points out that China's brazen actions go unpunished, allowing Beijing to continue its aggressive maneuvers without serious repercussions. One of the most apparent examples of such aggression was the intentional damage to the 77-kilometer gas pipeline connecting Finland and Estonia in October 2023. The Chinese, responsible for the incident, denied their guilt for nearly a year, claiming it was merely an "accident" caused by a storm. However, experts believe this incident was part of a broader strategy to undermine European security.

According to analysts, this hybrid attack on small NATO countries is a way to demonstrate power to nations that cannot provide an adequate response due to limited economic and military capabilities. Beijing feels free in its actions.

Европа, Евросоюз

"There you have it. Business is more important than democracy, the rule of law, human rights advocacy, etc. It is not surprising that the Chinese believe they can do whatever they want in Europe. It is not surprising that the Russians thought they could invade Ukraine," James Fanell summarized the situation.

Source: 19fortyfive.