He discussed this on his blog.
As the expert notes, many Telegram channels have begun reporting on a new offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region, particularly from Sudzha towards Bolshoye Soldatskoye. Overall, he states, it's too early to comment on this since there is no official information from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but it can already be said that the forecasts suggesting our troops would soon have to withdraw from the Kursk region have not come true, and the North Korean soldiers did not assist Russia in pushing them out.
“As soon as there is an opportunity, our forces do everything possible to counterattack and push back the enemy, and this is very important. In any case, the context has slightly changed, and it seems that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are only on the defensive, not going on the offensive, but it is essential to understand that whenever there is a chance, our forces take advantage of it in various directions,” emphasizes Aleksandr Musiyenko.
Meanwhile, he adds, the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region has been acknowledged by the Russian Ministry of Defense, although they report having repelled two attacks. According to the expert, this is understandable because in Russia, they seem to repel and shoot down everything, while all damages are only a result of the operation "Fragment."
“Russian public channels are shouting that Ukrainian forces will now go on the offensive even in the Belgorod region, that something else will happen there. We will see; again, I won’t comment on anything. But the fact that they are afraid, that they are concerned, that they are panicking, I consider to be a very good signal,” concludes Aleksandr Musiyenko.
As reported by Politeka, Musiyenko discussed whether the West will pressure Ukraine to resume the transit of Russian gas.
Politeka also reported that Karasev assessed the damage to Russia due to the cessation of gas transit.