
One in a million: a woman ages ten times faster than others. What happened to her?

Tiffany's brother had the same condition, but he passed away in 2011.
One in a million: a woman ages ten times faster than others. What happened to her?

47-year-old Tiffany Vedekind from the USA ages ten times faster than other people, although she strives to live as long as possible. This is reported by Daily Star.

The woman lives with a disease that occurs in one in a million—Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, which Tiffany was diagnosed with only when she turned 31. Most individuals with this diagnosis do not survive past their teenage years.

Over time, Tiffany has gradually lost all her natural hair and teeth, and she also suffers from aortic stenosis—a narrowing of the valve—and will eventually require an aortic valve replacement.

However, she states that this has not prevented her from living a full life: she got divorced, started her own business, and practices yoga daily to maintain her health.

Тиффани Ведекинд

"Don't be afraid of death. We're all in the same boat. I'm not afraid to show myself bald and toothless. People should see who I truly am inside. It doesn't matter that I have no hair. I am who I am, regardless of my fading appearance," Tiffany said.

Tiffany was a "hyperactive child" who tried all kinds of sports and activities in her youth, but she began to realize something was wrong only when she reached puberty.

Specifically, her facial features began to change, her teeth started to decay, and her hair thinned out by the age of 20.

Тиффани Ведекинд

This same diagnosis was given to Tiffany's biological brother, Chad, who passed away in 2011.

"I live in a good positive space. I am a dreamer. I want people to stop focusing on aging and see it as a privilege. People will complain about aging and wrinkles. It won't matter. I want to focus on living my life," Tiffany noted.

As a reminder, in Germany, a child bit a judge in a sensitive area and disrupted a football match.