In the eighth episode of the reality show "The Bachelor", which aired on December 20, two contestants were selected to reach the final and compete for the heart of the main character — Alexander Budko, a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, known by his call sign "Teren." This was reported by Telegraph.
In the eighth episode, three girls — Yustina Bagay, Inna Belen, and Anastasia Yuzvak — introduced Alexander to their parents, close relatives, and friends:
At the rose ceremony, Alexander Teren said goodbye to Yustina Bagay from Lviv, which left the girl very upset.
"I don’t care when I leave. It wasn’t about that. This show is about love. Everything I’ve experienced here isn’t a joke. Why does it hurt so much?" — Yustina expressed.
She added that everything would be fine and expressed gratitude to Alexander for what he taught her.
So, the final features two girls whom Alexander will introduce to his parents and loved ones next week:
The finale of the reality show will take place on December 27, when it will be revealed which of the girls will win the project.
In December, former participant of the 13th season of "The Bachelor," Veronika Doroshko, shared what was prohibited for women during the filming of the project.