
Today is February 21: a day of celebration and significance in history.

February 21 marks International Mother Language Day. On this day in 2006, astronomers discovered the mysterious object SCP 06F6 in the constellation Boötes. In 1804, the first railway journey took place. In 1808, Russian troops launched an attack on Sweden without a declaration of war. In 1885, the Washington Monument was inaugurated in the United States. In 1906, Ukrainian lieutenant Petro Schmidt was sentenced to death. The Battle of Verdun began in 1916. In 2014, Volodymyr Parasyuk issued an ultimatum to Yanukovych from the Maidan stage. In 2022, Putin "recognized" the "independence" of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR."
Today is February 21: a day of celebration and significance in history.

February 21 is International Mother Language Day. On this day in 2006, astronomers discovered the mysterious object SCP 06F6 in the constellation Boötes. In 1804, the first railway journey took place. In 1808, Russian troops attacked Sweden without a declaration of war. In 1885, the Washington Monument was inaugurated in the USA. In 1906, Ukrainian lieutenant Petro Schmidt was sentenced to death. In 1916, the Battle of Verdun began. In 2014, Volodymyr Parasyuk issued an ultimatum to Yanukovych from the Maidan stage. In 2022, Putin "recognized" the "independence" of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR".

Holidays and Commemorative Dates on February 21

February 21 is International Mother Language Day.

Also today: World Kombucha Day, World Guide Day.

February 21 in History

On February 21, 1804, the steam locomotive made its first-ever transport of cargo and passengers. Learn more.

On February 21, 1808, 24,000 Russian soldiers crossed the Swedish border without a declaration of war and captured the city of Loviisa (now in Finland). This marked the beginning of the war known as the Finnish War (or Russo-Swedish War of 1808-1809). Learn more.

On February 21, 1885, the Washington Monument was dedicated in the USA. Learn more.

On February 21, 1906, Ukrainian lieutenant Petro Schmidt, who led a rebellion on the cruiser "Ochakov" in Sevastopol, was sentenced to death. Learn more.

On February 21, 1916, the Battle of Verdun (also known as the "Meat Grinder of Verdun") began, one of the largest battles on the Western Front of World War I. Learn more.

On February 21, 2006, astronomers discovered the mysterious object SCP 06F6 in the constellation Boötes. It was "spotted" by the Hubble Space Telescope, and scientists still cannot explain what it was. The "finders" were a group of scientists led by Kyle Barbieri from the Supernova Cosmology Project. They reported that SCP 06F6 increased in brightness for about 100 days. After reaching its peak intensity, it vanished over the same period. This data was published on Cornell University's website.

The group of scientists observing SCP 06F6 claimed that the spectrum of light emitted by the object did not resemble any known phenomena. Due to the unusual spectrum, researchers were even unable to determine the distance to SCP 06F6 using standard methods. Therefore, it remains unknown whether it is located within our galaxy – the Milky Way – or beyond it.

Since its discovery, scientists around the world have proposed dozens (if not hundreds) of theories regarding its nature.

"Supernovae reach peak brightness only after 20 days and then disappear over a much longer period. Initially, researchers suggested that SCP 06F6 could be an extremely distant supernova; relativistic time dilation (an effect described in the theory of relativity – Ed.) might have caused the 20-day event to stretch over 100 days. However, this explanation now seems unlikely. Other proposed hypotheses involve a white dwarf (a small star in its final evolutionary stage – Ed.) colliding with an asteroid or a white dwarf colliding with a black hole," writes the English Wikipedia.

According to other theories, the object could be the result of a carbon star core explosion, a supernova with core collapse, etc. The discoverer of SCP 06F6, Kyle Barbieri, claims that it could be an entirely "new class" of celestial objects.

On February 21, 2014, from the stage at Maidan, one of the centurions, Volodymyr Parasyuk, delivered a pivotal statement: "No Yanukovych will be president for a whole year. He must leave by ten o'clock tomorrow." Learn more (video).

On February 21, 2022, Putin took an open step towards a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. He recognized the "independence" of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR".

Church Holiday on February 21

On February 21, the memory of St. Timothy is honored, who is in the Symbols. Learn more.

Folk Signs

The weather on Timothy determines how the entire spring will be.

If streams are flowing, it's time to sow early.

If the air is warm and dry, spring will be warm.

What Not to Do on February 21

Exercise caution with alcohol – it's better not to consume it on this day.

Avoid engaging in disputes and arguments.